A selection of photos of the aurora borealis. I'm always on the lookout for interesting foreground to balance these incredible displays that fill the Alaska night sky. Aurora photography requires a mix of creativity and problem-solving to conceive, plan, and execute unique shots, as well as the willingness to brave the darkness, snow, and subzero cold of the Alaskan winter. For tips on shooting creative aurora images, see my Aurora Photography Guide. I also provide Aurora Photography Tours & Workshops.

Watching the aurora next to Devils Thumb in the eastern Alaska Range.

The aurora swirls over snowy trees on a frigid night near Anderson, Alaska.

The aurora lights up suddenly over the Clearwater River in Delta Junction early in the evening before moonrise.

Lighting up the alpine foreground of Donnelly Dome with a makeshift torch beneath the aurora.

Overhead corona formation during a wild night of aurora on November 3, 2021.

Spawning silver salmon in Clearwater Lake beneath the aurora.

Aurora reflects in the Gerstle River as the moon rises on the horizon.

Aurora borealis reflects in the Clearwater River in Delta Junction.

A colorful aurora burst above Donnelly Dome.

On top of Donnelly Dome on a -20 F night.

The aurora goes wild during a geomagnetic storm above the Gerstle River bridge on the Alaska Highway.

Staying toasty next to a fire while watching the aurora from the Jarvis Creek gravel bar in Delta Junction.

Aurora over Denali and the Chulitna River.

Curtain formations above Bear Creek in the eastern Alaska Range.

Tending a campfire beside a frozen pond while the aurora shimmers through thin clouds.