I created How To Artistically Photograph The Aurora with the aspiring aurora photographer in mind. The guide covers the fundamentals of aurora photography in great detail and provides tips on planning & executing artistic aurora images that stand out from the rest. A strong composition is worth so much more than having the best equipment, so forget about buying that expensive f/2.8 lens or Sony a7S III camera until you learn to frame better shots!

Click the image below to open a PDF version of the guide in your browser. Look for the download option at upper right if you want to save it. The document is optimized for viewing full-screen on a 16x9 desktop display. (Press the f11 key to enter full-screen mode in your browser or ctrl+L if viewing in Adobe Reader.)

Please feel free to share or link to this page, but don't repost the actual presentation elsewhere. Send me questions or comments at steven@stevenmileyphotography.com. If you’re coming to Alaska to photograph the aurora, I offer guided Aurora Borealis Photography Tours.